On Saturday morning, April 13th, volunteers gathered for several hours to do a large-scale clean up of the Rt. 28 launch site. Volunteers continued the removal of overgrown brush, vines and trash from Rt. 28 all the way to the dam that was started weeks earlier by Steve Sigler and Lisa Benfield. Bernie Kelleher operated the backhoe realigning boulders to expand the parking area and pile brush to be removed by the Town. The backhoe was even used to straighten the bent frame of the cutter boat trailer. Mike Francour and family gathered construction debris and transported it to the county waste station. Signs were reattached to the gate, the new lock was installed on the gate and the KLC boats were launched.

The KLC wishes to thank the following volunteers for taking time on a Saturday morning to help make the launch a place we can all be proud of: (in alphabetical order) Lisa Benfield, Ken Bosen, Russ Camadine, Bill and Teri Cleary, Mike Franceour and family, Bernie Kelleher, Tim Kelly, Dan and Robin Langer, Drew Nelson and family, Steve Sigler, Fran Sindlinger (thanks for the coffee and donuts), Rick Thieriault, Jack “the Mayor” Warner, Mike and Jill Weldon, Paul WInslow, (apologies if we forgot anyone). Additional photos are posted on the GALLERY page of our website.


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