As of Dec 2023, the KLC is actively seeking one KLC member
to join the Board of Directors.

Interested candidates are asked to email a
letter of interest and qualifications
to KLC Secretary, Briggette Roos, at,
no later than February 15, 2024.

The main purpose of the Kinderhook Lake Corporation is to maintain and improve Kinderhook Lake and the Nivers Dam. A twelve-person all-volunteer board of directors actively oversees programs that operate, maintain, and upgrade the dam, maintain high water quality standards, manage the spread of aquatic invasive and native weed species, maintain a positive sport-fish population and habitat, promote recreational water-sports activities, raise funds to support these programs, and more.

If you think you may be interested in becoming part of the decision-making team by serving on the KLC board of directors now or in the future, you are asked to email a letter of interest and qualifications to the KLC Secretary, Briggette Roos, at

Minimum qualifications for a KLC Director:

  1. Be a current member of the KLC
  2. Live on or near the lake (and at least spend summers or summer weekends at the lake)
  3. Have a strong interest in and be an advocate for the KLC, the Lake, and community-related issues
  4. Be available to attend monthly evening Board meetings (3rd Thursday of the month)
    * Local in-person meetings May-Nov, virtual (Zoom) meetings Dec-Apr
  5. Be willing to serve on committees and attend committee meetings
  6. Be prepared for Board or committee meetings by reviewing agendas and meeting minutes, and completing any agreed-upon activities on a timely basis
  7. Stay informed of Board and committee matters and actively participate in discussions and decisions
  8. Be involved in various KLC events when available
  9. Have routine access to email, text, and cellular communications
  10. Become familiar with KLC Bylaws and 501c3 non-profit regulations

Any of the following additional qualifications would be a bonus:

  1. Experience on a non-profit board and familiarity with 501c3 non-profit regulations
  2. Knowledge of DEC regulations and preparation of DEC applications
  3. Knowledge of water quality, watershed, and environmental-related issues
  4. Fundraising and/or grant writing experience
  5. Leadership and verbal communication skills
  6. Written communication skills (newsletters, reports, studies, etc.)
  7. Technical communication skills (website, Facebook, email, etc.)
  8. Computer experience (managing website, Facebook page, MS Word, Excel, etc.)
  9. Mechanical/construction experience (equipment and dam maintenance, harvester operations, etc.)
  10. Strategic planning experience (thinking outside the box)
  11. Environmental engineering experience
  12. Bookkeeping/accounting experience
  13. Legal experience
  14. Knowledge of local politics