27. June 2018 · Comments Off on 4th of July Events · Categories: Events

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Independence Day is just around the corner. Here’s the scoop on the events.

Kayak Rally: 8:30 – 11:30, rain or shine. Paddle around the lake with any non-motorized vessel and collect as many tickets as you can from orange flagged locations. Print your name and phone # on each ticket and bring your tickets to the Rt 28 launch by 12:00 noon. Tickets will be drawn for prizes. Don’t forget a pencil/pen and a plastic bag for your tickets.

Boat Parade: Starts 1:30 from One Tree Island. Decorate your vessel to tour the lake, entertain your neighbors, make some noise and have a ton of fun. Be recognized for best decorations and most patriotic boat.

Ring of Fire: 9:00pm. Light your flares at 9:00pm along the shoreline for the annual Ring of Fire. Flares will be available at the Rt. 28 launch from 10:00am to 1:00pm on July 4th, or call Ken Bosen (see DIRECTORS page for contact info) to arrange for flares at other times.

Keep your fingers crossed for great weather. Please be safe, and let’s have another spectacular Fourth of July on Kinderhook Lake.

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