Weeds Piled High
Helping hands can make the difference. A record 25 volunteers showed up at the north end of the lake on Saturday morning June 23rd to hand-pull water chestnuts. This aggressive invasive species can be expensive and difficult to control, but since the roots are fairly shallow, they are easy to pull by hand. Volunteers made a huge dent in the weed bed. Offloading pulled weeds was much easier this year as volunteers were able to transfer the weeds onto the ECO Harvester conveyor belt. In a little more than two hours, the harvester bin was filled with over 2-1/2 loads of water chestnuts, which equates to about 10 cubic yards of weeds (a dump truck full). A hardy thanks to all the volunteers who came out to help – you are making a difference. See more photos on the GALLERY page.
Michael, John, David Attebury | John Bruford | Patty and Ken Bosen |
Jennifer and Bond Clark | Lauren Desharnais | Mike Francoeur |
Carl Heiner | Jim Hodgkins | Ron Jensis |
John Johnson | Bernie Kelleher | Robin and Dan Langer |
Henrietta and Adam Nagay | Diane and Doug Peterson | Briggette Roose |
Fran Sindlinger | Rick Theriault | Pete Walkes |
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