24. June 2018 · Comments Off on Helping Hands Make the Difference · Categories: AIS, Events

Weeds Piled High

Helping hands can make the difference. A record 25 volunteers showed up at the north end of the lake on Saturday morning June 23rd to hand-pull water chestnuts. This aggressive invasive species can be expensive and difficult to control, but since the roots are fairly shallow, they are easy to pull by hand. Volunteers made a huge dent in the weed bed. Offloading pulled weeds was much easier this year as volunteers were able to transfer the weeds onto the ECO Harvester conveyor belt. In a little more than two hours, the harvester bin was filled with over 2-1/2 loads of water chestnuts, which equates to about 10 cubic yards of weeds (a dump truck full). A hardy thanks to all the volunteers who came out to help – you are making a difference. See more photos on the GALLERY page.

Michael, John, David Attebury John Bruford Patty and Ken Bosen
Jennifer and Bond Clark Lauren Desharnais Mike Francoeur
Carl Heiner Jim Hodgkins Ron Jensis
John Johnson Bernie Kelleher Robin and Dan Langer
Henrietta and Adam Nagay Diane and Doug Peterson Briggette Roose
Fran Sindlinger Rick Theriault Pete Walkes

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