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Latest website updates:

> Merchandise photos were added to the MERCHANDISE page

> The following maps were added to the MAPS page, :

+ Kinderhook Lake Depth Map
+ Kinderhook Lake Watershed Map
+ Kinderhook Lake FEMA Flood Map (west side of lake)
+ Link to purchase Kinderhook Lake area USGS Maps

> Information about Copper Sulfate treatment for algae control was added to the FAQ page

> The following items were added to the LINKS page:

+ Electric Park article by Deborah Lans, “This Trolley Stop Buzzed with Excitement”
+ DEC Regulations for Boat Launch Sites
+ “Diet for a Small Lake” by the NYS Federation of Lake Associations and DEC

WARNING: Copper Sulfate will be applied to Kinderhook Lake on July 2nd

See FAQ Page for additional information and warnings about Copper Sulfate treatment for algae control.

22nd Annual Panfish Derby
Children ages 0-6, 7-11 and 12-15 ($1.00 admission, free refreshments)
+ Five largest panfish – bring them in alive – one ounce will be added to the weight if all fish are alive

> 1st place, age group 0-6, Daniel Paul Delura, 5 live panfish, 2lb 7oz

+ Smallest fish – for the youngest age group

> 1st place, Daniel Paul Delura

+ Largest fish – in all age groups

Age Group 0-6::
> 1st place, Daniel Paul Delura, 6lb 9oz carp (largest fish)
Age Group 7-11:
> 1st place, Alexander Van Benschoten, 2lb 12oz
> 2nd place, Mandy Crocket, 2lb 10oz
> 3rd place, Tom Shimazu & Sam Andrade, 2lb 6oz
Age Group 12-15:
> 1st place, Justin Beck, 2lb 12oz
> 2nd Place, Brian Davis, 2lb 5oz

Annual Boat Parade
Decorate boats and meet at One-Tree Island at 2:00pm
Prizes for most original, most patriotic and funniest

> Funniest: Bernie Kelleher Jr., Ottoville Rd.
> Most Original: Eileen Owens, Rt 28B, Valatie
> Most Patriotic: Brian Young, East Northport, Long Island

Ring of Fire
Light flares along the shoreline at sundown
+ Flares will be available for purchase on July 4th at the Rt. 28 launch site at 12:00 noon and
+ Flares and other merchandise will be available on July 4th at the Rose St. launch after 2:00pm

WARNING: Copper Sulfate will be applied to Kinderhook Lake on June 18th

See FAQ Page for additional information and warnings about Copper Sulfate treatment.

  • All are welcome to the KLC Spring Board Meeting
    Saturday, June 2nd, 7:00pm at the KLIA Community Hall
    Meet the new Directors, as well as your friends and neighbors.
    Hear about the latest Lake news – KLC financial report, dam reconstructrion update, KLC summer picnic plans, and more.
    Please bring a dessert to share after the meeting. Coffee and tea will be provided by the KLC.
    See you there.
  • The water level in the lake will be raised earlier than usual this year. KLC’s permit from DEC states that the water level will be raised as soon as possible after ice-out and, since we have not had any permanent ice, there is little justification for keeping it down. If you have water-front work which has not been completed, please get it done so rising water will not cause difficulties. Thank you.
  • The March 2012 KLC Newsletter is now available online.
  • The flood gate was opened on October 15th as planned. This year, the water will be lowered to about 60″ below summer level to allow for needed repairs to the dam. If shoreline residents plan to do work on their waterfronts, please try to have the work done this Fall, as the water often rises rapidly in the Spring and KLC is required to return to it’s Summer level as soon as possible after ice-out.
  • Photos of the flooding from Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee have been posted in the Gallery.
  • Read the October 2011 KLC Newsletter.