18. September 2018 · Comments Off on Kinderhook Lake Selected for Study by Grad Student · Categories: AIS, General Information, Water quality, Water treatment

Kinderhook Lake has been selected for study by a student in the Professional Science Master’s Lake Management Program at the State University of NY at Oneonta. This is the only Lake Management degree program in the US. Over the course of one year, Amanda Setteducate will study and evaluate the lake’s water quality and nutrient levels, invasive species, watershed, and issues important to the lake community. It is expected that the study will result in a report that will provide recommendations for implementation of future lake management efforts. The KLC Board of Directors and Water Quality Committee is excited to work with Amanda and is looking forward to receiving assistance from her and the Lake Management program.

You can read more at Lake Management Graduate Program. If you have any questions about the Program or what Amanda will be doing at Kinderhook Lake, you can contact her at settan29@oneonta.edu.



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