02. June 2020 · Comments Off on Launch Parking Now Limited to KLC Members Only · Categories: General Information, Membership

Over the past few years, there has been an increase in parking congestion at the Rt. 28 launch. This means many KLC members have been unable to launch their boats or park their trailers. Therefore, going forward, the launch parking lot will be limited to KLC members only.

If you are not a KLC member, you may not park in the launch parking lot. Non-members are still welcome to launch cartop boats but must arrange to park elsewhere. Any non-members who would like to park at the launch must become a KLC member, leave their membership poster displayed on their dashboard as proof of membership, or have a trailer sticker if they have a trailer. If you are already a KLC member with a cartop boat, please be sure to display your member poster on your dashboard. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.  


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