Construction for the latest dam repair started on December 3, 2013. The contractor installed a coffer steel dam and de-watered the area in front of the sluice gate. Upon inspection, it was learned that the gasket, which we assumed required replacement, was in fine condition. However, several of the surrounding wedges were missing, which was the root cause of the leaks around the gate. The wedges were replaced and the sluice gate now has a good seal. Although the final tally is not yet in, alternative methods of installing the coffer steel dam for dewatering and replacement of the wedges instead of the entire sluice gate gasket may have reduced the cost of Phase 1 work to less than half of the original estimate.

Once dry, the sluice pipe was inspected and it was determined that the pipe needed to be relined. The contractor is preparing an estimate to reline the sluice pipe. Depending on the estimated cost and funds available in the Dam Reserve Fund, it is hoped that work to reline the sluice pipe and repairs to the dam’s facade can be completed this coming spring. In the meantime, the water level has been returned to its normal winter level. However, the coffer steel dam remains in place, limiting full control of winter water levels.

As mentioned in the October KLC News, there is a potential for more hazardous conditions for people venturing out on the ice this winter. The limited control of the water level below the ice could cause thinner ice. If you are not sure, please stay off the ice.

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