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12. March 2024 · Comments Off on Shoreline Buffers and Rain Gardens · Categories: General Information, Water quality · Tags: , , , , ,

As a follow-up to the article on Page 4 of the Winter 2024 KLC News (see post below) about establishing a shoreline buffer (aka rain garden) to filter nutrient runoff from entering our lake, here is an article from Solitude Lake Management that offers guidance into the type of shoreline plants that would do best in New York State. Enjoy and please create or upgrade your own shoreline buffer to help improve our water quality. 

Beneficial Buffer Plants for New York State

24. February 2024 · Comments Off on The KLC News – Winter 2024 · Categories: Area news, Newsletter

The latest edition of the KLC News is now available on the Newsletters page.
It’s chock full of up-to-date information about how your membership and donation dollars are being put to good use maintaining and improving the lake and the dam.
Don’t miss it.

04. January 2024 · Comments Off on Join the KLC Management Team · Categories: Directors · Tags: ,

We are currently seeking one KLC member to join the Board of Directors. Directors actively oversee programs that operate, maintain, and upgrade the dam, maintain high water quality standards, manage the spread of aquatic invasive and native weed species, maintain a positive sport-fish population and habitat, promote recreational water-sports activities, raise funds to support these programs, and much more. If you’ve always wondered how and why it all happens at the lake, you can become part of the decision-making team. Please see Qualifications for KLC Directors and learn how to apply at

11. December 2023 · Comments Off on Time to Order Your 2024 KLC Calendar · Categories: Uncategorized
Thanks to all who submitted photos for the 2024 Calendar Contest. We were thrilled with the overwhelming response and quality of the submissions. Of course, we could only select 12 monthly photos and one cover photo for the calendar and we congratulate the winners: Ann Mueller, Joel Potts, Ron Rich, Judy Kelleher, Deborah Wilens, Amy Stephenson, Jennifer Clark, David Lauzon, Dawn Francoeur, Prudence Mohr, John Brady, Tina Decker, and Robin Langer. Honorable Mentions go to Anne Marie Mink, Marc Martino, Donna Gedeon, Eugene Tava, Karl Diehl, and Lisa Nichols.
     We are now taking orders for the new 2024 KLC Calendar while supplies last. You can reserve yours by sending an email to Calendars are $20 each or $18 each for two or more. Funds raised through the sale of calendars will be used to support KLC’s programs that manage and improve Kinderhook Lake and the Nivers Dam.
     Thanks for your support.
28. October 2023 · Comments Off on Fall Reminders · Categories: Dam, Drawdown, General Information · Tags: , ,
While it’s sad to see the water level dropping to winter levels, just remember how much fun you had this past summer and that next summer will be here before you know it. Fall is a beautiful season and is also time for a few important reminders.
  1. Do NOT rake leaves into the lake bed, as rotting leaves create nutrients for weed and algae growth. Also, if you can, please remove fallen leaves from the lake bed.
  2. Do NOT throw brush or branches into the lake, as they end up floating to the dam, clogging the sluice gate debris rack and inhibiting control of the water level.
  3. If you have any shoreline projects, please complete them this Fall, as the water can rise quickly in the Spring depending on snowmelt and rain. Plus, our DEC Permit requires that we raise the lake back to summer levels as soon as the ice is off the lake in the Spring.
  4. Please secure any outdoor furniture and loose equipment. In the Spring, we often find deck chairs, carpets, water toys, dock parts, and boat and fishing gear stuck in the sluice gate debris rack at the dam.

01. October 2023 · Comments Off on Annual Drawdown Starting October 15 · Categories: Drawdown · Tags:

This is an early reminder that on October 15 we will begin to lower the lake to winter level. The water will be lowered to approximately 52″ below the average summer level in accordance with our DEC permit. The purpose of the drawdown is to protect shoreline areas and docks from damage during ice and snow thaw. The lower lake level has the added benefit of allowing time for shoreline and dock maintenance projects, although we suggest you complete any such projects in the fall as it is often difficult to control the rising water level in the spring due to rain and snowmelt. The speed of the drawdown depends on the weather – a lot of rain will slow the drawdown, while little rain will hasten the speed. We reverse the process and return the lake to summer water level following ice-out in the spring. 

01. September 2023 · Comments Off on Copper Sulfate Treatment – September 4, 2023 · Categories: Water quality, Water treatment · Tags: , ,

Copper Sulfate will be applied to Kinderhook Lake
Monday evening, September 4, 2023

This will be the final treatment of the season.

See the FAQ page for information and warnings.

29. August 2023 · Comments Off on Submit Your Photos for the 2024 KLC Calendar by October 1st · Categories: Calendar Contest, General Information

Hopefully, you have been taking some great pictures around the lake this summer. Don’t forget to submit your best photos for the Calendar Contest with the required forms before October 1, 2023.

If your picture is selected as a winner, it will be featured as one of the months on the KLC’s 2024 Calendar and you will receive a free calendar. No purchase is necessary to enter or win!

The forms are available below and submissions or questions can be sent to Good luck.

Photo Contest Rules
Photo Contest Entry Form
Photo Contest Model Release Form
Photo Contest Property Release Form

19. August 2023 · Comments Off on Copper Sulfate Treatment – August 21, 2023 · Categories: Water quality, Water treatment · Tags: , ,

Copper Sulfate will be applied to Kinderhook Lake
Monday morning, August 21, 2023

See the FAQ page for information and warnings

05. August 2023 · Comments Off on Copper Sulfate Treatment – August 7, 2023 · Categories: Water quality, Water treatment · Tags: , ,

Copper Sulfate will be applied to Kinderhook Lake
Monday morning, August 7, 2023

See the FAQ page for information and warnings