07. March 2021 · Comments Off on Commence Raising the Lake to Summer Level – April 3 · Categories: Drawdown, General Information, Update

Every spring, shortly after the ice is off the lake, we crank down the sluice gate, add the flashboards back on top of the dam, and begin to raise the lake to summer level in accordance with our DEC permit. This year, that activity will start on April 3rd. Depending on the weather and water flow through the Valatiekill from our 41 square mile watershed, raising the lake fully will take anywhere from a week to over a month. 

If you are a shoreline owner, please take some time before April 3rd to rake and clean out the lake bed in front of your property. Rotting leaves provide nutrients that spur the growth of aquatic invasive species and twigs and branches can float down to the dam and clog the outlet as well as create a hazard for boaters.


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