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10. November 2020 · Comments Off on 2021 KLC Calendars Are Ready · Categories: General Information

Thanks to all of you who submitted photos for the 2021 Calendar Contest. We were thrilled with the overwhelming response and quality of the submissions. Of course, we could only select 12 photos for the calendar and we congratulate the winners. 

Michael Attebury, Natalie Buchanan, Victor Bujanow, Vaughn Clark,
Tracy Dennis, Nicole Farmer, Donna Gideon, David Lauzon, 
George Longworth, Lisa Rich, Jennifer Riley, Eugene Tava

You can reserve the new 2021 KLC Calendar by contacting any board member ( or by sending a message to – $20 each or two (2) for $36. Funds raised through the sale of calendars will be used to support many of the KLC’s programs to manage and improve Kinderhook Lake. Thanks for your support.


05. October 2020 · Comments Off on The Drawdown Is Coming · Categories: Area news, Drawdown, General Information

On October 15th, in accordance with our DEC drawdown permit, we will begin to lower the lake to winter level. Winter level is approximately 52-inches lower than the average summer level and depending on weather conditions could take a few weeks to attain. Please be sure to complete any shoreline projects this fall while the lake is low, as springtime water levels are often difficult to control due to snowmelt and rain. As always, please remember not to rake leaves, twigs, and branches into the lake in the fall. If you can, please remove fallen leaves from the lake bed. Rotting leaves provide nutrients for aquatic invasive species and branches and twigs end up clogging the dam sluice gate. 

We have been lucky to have some warm and sunny days this fall. Please enjoy the next week on the lake and remember to have your boats out by October 15th. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your area board member.

09. September 2020 · Comments Off on 2021 KLC Calendar Contest – Time is running out to enter · Categories: General Information
Only three (3) weeks left to submit your photos for the 2021 KLC Calendar. Summer is winding down and you must have plenty of photos to pick from. Photos must be submitted no later than October 1, 2020. What are you waiting for?
To make it easier, we have simplified the entry rules for September. Simply submit up to three (3) photos to – You’ll only need to complete the required release forms if your photo is selected for the calendar. No purchase is necessary to enter or win. You don’t even need to be a KLC member. 
23. July 2020 · Comments Off on New “Welcome to the Kinderhook Lake Community” Pamphlet · Categories: Area news, General Information, Update

A new “Welcome to the Kinderhook Lake Community” pamphlet has been published to replace the older version from 2014. The purpose of the pamphlet is to provide important information to new and existing community residents about the location, features, history, recreation, and water quality of Kinderhook Lake and the Community. The new pamphlet explains how the KLC maintains Kinderhook Lake and the Nivers Dam and highlights the importance of membership support of the organization. Please feel free to pass the pamphlet on to your neighbors and others who use and love Kinderhook Lake. Contact any Director if you would like print versions of the pamphlet to share.  

You can view the new pamphlet here KL Welcome Pamphlet v2020 or from the Quick Links in the right-hand column of this webpage.


05. July 2020 · Comments Off on Well Attended July 4th Boat Parade · Categories: Area news, Events, General Information

Fifteen entries in this year’s boat parade. Congratulations to the 2020 winners below.

Photos of all entries are on the GALLERY page.

Best Decorated Boat 2020 – Rick and Cheryl Fitzpatrick

Most Patriotic Boat 2020 – the Goguen Family

27. June 2020 · Comments Off on 2020 July 4th Events · Categories: Events, General Information

Boat Parade: Starts 1:00 pm from One Tree Island. Decorate your vessel to tour the lake, entertain your neighbors, make some noise, and have a ton of fun. Be recognized for the best decorations and most patriotic boat.

Ring of Fire: Light your flares at 9:00 pm along the shoreline for the annual Ring of Fire. Flares and KLC merchandise will be available at the Rt. 28 launch from 9:00 am to noon on July 4th or call Pete Walkes 914-217-6770 if you can’t wait.

The Kayak Rally will NOT be held this year, but look for it to return next year.

Keep your fingers crossed for great weather. Please stay safe and have another spectacular Fourth of July on Kinderhook Lake.

21. June 2020 · Comments Off on KLC Calendar Photo Contest · Categories: General Information

Exciting News!

KLC is hosting a calendar fundraiser this year! All you have to do is submit your favorite pictures of Kinderhook Lake with the required forms before October 1, 2020. If your picture is selected as a winner, it will be featured as one of the months on the KLC’s 2021 Calendar and you will receive a free calendar. No purchase is necessary to enter or win! The forms are available below and submissions or questions can be sent to   Good luck.

Photo Contest Rules

Photo Contest Entry Form

Photo Contest Model Release

Photo Contest Property Release

02. June 2020 · Comments Off on Launch Parking Now Limited to KLC Members Only · Categories: General Information, Membership

Over the past few years, there has been an increase in parking congestion at the Rt. 28 launch. This means many KLC members have been unable to launch their boats or park their trailers. Therefore, going forward, the launch parking lot will be limited to KLC members only.

If you are not a KLC member, you may not park in the launch parking lot. Non-members are still welcome to launch cartop boats but must arrange to park elsewhere. Any non-members who would like to park at the launch must become a KLC member, leave their membership poster displayed on their dashboard as proof of membership, or have a trailer sticker if they have a trailer. If you are already a KLC member with a cartop boat, please be sure to display your member poster on your dashboard. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.  

21. December 2019 · Comments Off on Unusually High Winter Water Level · Categories: General Information

Due to all the snow and rain over the past several weeks, it has been difficult to maintain a consistently low water level in the lake, even though the dam sluice gate has been wide open. In fact, the water level is extremely high right now, about 26” above the normal winter level. Adding in the cold temperatures, many docks are now frozen in the ice, potentially leading to some ice damage. Also be aware that If the current ice does not melt, the water level below the ice may begin to drop, so please use extreme caution if you venture out on the ice. Hopefully, the situation will improve, but as you know and have heard many times before, it is totally weather dependent.

01. October 2019 · Comments Off on The Drawdown Starts October 15th · Categories: General Information

Just a reminder that we will begin to lower the lake to winter level starting on October 15th 😢. Enjoy the next two weeks of boating and watching the leaves change color. The member’s launch gate will be left open from Oct 8 – 15 for those of you waiting until the very last second to remove your boats. Also, please remember to complete any waterfront projects this fall, as the water level is difficult to control in the spring due to rain and snowmelt.