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07. September 2024 · Comments Off on ProcellaCor Treatment – September 9, 2024 · Categories: AIS, Aquatic Invasive Species, Water treatment · Tags: , , ,

Five (5) acres of Kinderhook Lake will be treated with ProcellaCor
for the control of Eurasian milfoil on
Monday, September 9, 2024, at around 4:00 PM.
Approximate areas to be treated are shaded on the map.

Please note that no swimming or boating is permitted in the treatment areas during treatment.
Do not use water from treated areas for irrigation or livestock watering for 24 hours after treatment.
Signage will be posted around the lake in accordance with our DEC permit. 






10. March 2023 · Comments Off on ProcellaCor Spot Treatment Coming This Summer · Categories: AIS, Aquatic Invasive Species · Tags: , , , , , ,

The KLC has submitted a permit application to the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to treat up to five acres of Eurasian milfoil with ProcellaCor in June 2023. This is the same herbicide that was used to treat and eradicate over 200 acres of milfoil in 2021. This is a preventative measure to eradicate a few small patches of milfoil identified last summer before they spread and turn into larger weed beds that could interfere with boating and other recreational activities. The cost of the treatment will be covered by your donations to the Weed Management Fund. As required by DEC, ProcellaCor product labels must be posted on our website; see the sidebar Quick Links. Additional information about this summer’s treatment will be posted here later in the spring.

20. June 2021 · Comments Off on ProcellaCor Herbicide Treatment – June 22, 2021 · Categories: AIS, General Information, Water treatment · Tags: , ,


Kinderhook Lake will be treated with ProcellaCor,
an aquatic herbicide used for the control of Eurasian milfoil

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

is permitted on the day of the treatment

is permitted until herbicide concentrations 
are tested below 1ppb,
expected approximately 7 days after the treatment

Treatment notifications will be posted 24 hours prior to the treatment date
and removed when concentration levels are acceptable for irrigation,
expected approximately 7 days following the treatment date

Note: ProcellaCor will be applied by an airboat with weighted sub-surface drag-lines

02. June 2021 · Comments Off on ProcellaCor Update 1 · Categories: AIS, Update · Tags: , ,

As we move into June, we can see that the Eurasian milfoil is flourishing all around the lake. This is actually a good thing because ProcellaCor is most effective when milfoil is in full growth mode; it will allow the plants to better absorb the herbicide all the way down to the roots. Our DEC permit application has already been approved and, weather permitting, we hope to be treating the milfoil with ProcellaCor during the third week of June. For those of you not aware of what we are up to, please see our 14 January 2021 post below.

During a pre-treatment weed survey of the lake in early May, an additional 46 acres of milfoil were identified by Burden Aquatics, expanding the milfoil beds from 160 acres to over 200 acres. DEC has already amended our permit to include the additional acreage as it is critical that we address this issue now before it gets even worse.

Although ProcellaCor is absorbed by the milfoil within the first 3-6 hours after treatment, it will take weeks to see evidence of the results. Here is what you can expect to see.

  • One week after treatment, the plants should still be standing but may look sad and begin to wilt.
  • At the end of week 2, half the plants may still be standing but will have turned brown and brittle.
  • By the end of week 3, most of the plants (but not all) will have fallen to the bottom of the lake.
  • By the end of week 4, it will be difficult to detect any evidence of the plants. 

A couple of things to be aware of, (1) milfoil that has not germinated at the time of the ProcellaCor treatment will not be affected and growth may begin later in the summer, and (2) milfoil fragments, whether floating or within the water column, will likely not be affected by the ProcellaCor treatment and may start new growth later in the season or next year. If you see weeds floating around your dock or shoreline, please try to remove them from the lake to reduce the potential of them starting new plant growth.

The treatment date will be posted on the KLC Facebook page as well as on our website as soon as it is confirmed. As required by DEC, signage will be posted around the lake 24-hours before the treatment date. As a reminder, there will be an irrigation restriction for up to 5-days after the treatment and a swimming restriction on the day of the treatment.

Although there are no other legal restrictions, we ask that all boats stay off the lake the day of the treatment. Boating activity will cause additional water movement that may disperse and dilute the herbicide and potentially make it less effective.

We are proud to say that our members have been very generous this year and we have almost reached our goal to raise the $70,000 needed to treat the original 160 acres. However, treating the extra 46 acres identified this spring will cost an additional $20,000, so we are raising our fundraising goal to $90,000. We ask those of you who have not yet donated to the ProcellaCor Fund to please consider doing so now. We also ask those of you who have already donated to please consider an additional donation to help offset the cost of treating the additional acreage. For donation information, please click the link at the top of this page or in the right-hand column.

Remember, based on the reported experience at other lakes, this ProcellaCor treatment should be effective for up to three years. While the lake will never be 100% weed-free, we can look forward to many years of boating and recreational activities not hampered by enormously thick beds of milfoil.