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Every few years, the KLC is required to update the Kinderhook Lake Management Plan to satisfy a 1997 request by the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. The purpose of the Plan is to provide an overview of past and present conditions of Kinderhook Lake and a plan for the future. In addition, the KLC provides an updated Aquatic Plant Management Plan to identify past and present weed growth and objectives to manage control of weed growth. Both updated Plans can be accessed from the LINKS page. Thanks to Joe Collins for continuing to update these important Plans.

The lake is covered with blue-green algae this morning, worse than has been seen in a very long time. Dry, hot weather this summer prevented salts, like sodium chloride and sodium phosphate, from washing into the lake and the Valatie Kill flowing into the lake – they collected in surface soil and in soil around septic systems. Heavy continuous rain, like we have had for the past two weeks, dissolves those salts and washes them into the watershed to feed blue-green algae growth. Since the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation does not permit the use of aquatic herbicides, like copper sulfate, after September 1, we are unable to keep blue-green algae levels low beyond that date and must endure the kind of water we find on the lake this morning. Residents should be aware that the algae is toxic to dogs and some dogs have died after consuming water containing blue-green algae.

The September 2012 KLC Newsletter is now available online.

You’ll find articles about how the past weed coverage has been reduced over the years, the need for future dam repairs, the coming of online membership payments, and more.

The annual KLC membership meeting took place on August 25th at the KLIA Hall. Sadly, it was not well attended. At this meeting, directors were elected and concerns about the lake were addressed. Here is a sampling of items that were discussed:

  1. The lack of universal membership by lake property (riparian) owners, and how more participation might be encouraged.
  2. How to control the many non-member power boats entering the lake and how to regulate the informal fishing tournaments on the lake, which also give non-members access; controlling access at the Rose St. Ext. launch.
  3. Repairs needed for the dam’s sluice gate and outlet pipe. The Board is awaiting DEC approval to construct a coffer dam this fall to better inspect the gate and pipe and determine an appropriate course of action and an estimated cost of repairs.
  4. A committee of board members was appointed to consider adopting recreation guidelines for the lake, as well as addressing signage, security and other issues at the Rt. 28 launch site. has a worldwide database of lakes and reservoirs with a wonderful article about Kinderhook Lake and it’s rich history. Check it out.

Once again, the lock on the member’s gate at the Rt. 28 launch has been broken off. This seems to happen once or twice every year; it is inconvenient and costly to replace. The KLC requests that all members please be vigilant about locking the gate after every use and please contact the County Sheriff’s Office at 518-828-3344 if you observe any suspicious activity at the launch site. Thank you for your cooperation.

>  1903 USGS Map of Kinderhook Lake was added to the MAPS page

>  Information about the use of Lawn Fertilizers around the lake was added to the FAQ page

>  The following photos were added to the GALLERY:

+  Electric Park Postcards
+  2012 KLC Chicken BBQ / Fund Raiser

>  The following was added to the LINKS page:

+  “New York State Boating Requirements”
+  “Boating Education Requirements”
+  “Boating Resources – Publications, Databases & Safety”
+  “FAQ for Lawn Fertilizers”

The 2nd Annual KLC BBQ & Fund Raiser was a huge success. Over 230 chicken dinners were served. People enjoyed eating, drinking, talking with neighbors and friends, listening to live music, and winning some great raffle prizes. The KLC cleared over $2080 to help its efforts to improve Kinderhook Lake. Photos of the event can be found in the GALLERY.

Such a successful event would not have been possible without the tireless group of volunteers who donated their time and many local businesses who donated gifts for raffle prizes. The KLC sends a hearty thank you to all who helped.


  • Rick Theriault and Mike Weldon – Event Organizers
  • Lisa Rich and Jill Weldon – Sponsors for Raffles Gifts
  • Chase Pugleisi & Dan Langer – Advertising
  • Joel Potts – Live Music for the event

Business Sponsors who donated gifts:

  • The Chatham Book Store, Main Street, Chatham,
  • The Main Street Grainery, Main St., Chatham
  • Columbia Diner, Rt 9H, Valatie
  • American Pie, Main St., Chatham
  • Xtreme Powersports, Smith Rd., Kinderhook,
  • Wildhourse Wines & Liquors, Main Street, Valatie
  • Clock Tower Toys & Gifts, main St., Chatham
  • Mark’s Pizza, Main St., Chatham
  • Great Finds, Main St., Valatie,
  • The Cross Eyed Owl Gift Shop, Rt. 9, Valatie,
  • Steiner’s Sports, Rt., 9, Valatie
  • Shooter’s Sporting Goods, Main St., Valatie
  • Herrington’s Building Supplies, Graham Ave., Hudson,
  • Glassman Optical, Commerce St., Yorktown Heights
  • Saw Mill River Nursery, No. Bedford Rd., Bedford Hills
  • Niverville Pub, Parker Hall Rd., Valatie
  • Hannaford Supermarket, Rt. 9, Valatie
  • LaBella Restaurant, Rt. 9, Valatie,
  • Olde Kinderhook Golf Club, Co. Rt. 32, Kinderhook
  • Kinderhook Wine & Spirits, Rt. 9, Valatie,
  • Winding Brook Country Club, Rt. 203, Valatie
  • Mario’s Home Center, Valatie
  • RnD Deli & Market, Niverville

WARNING: Copper Sulfate will be applied to Kinderhook Lake on July 23rd

See FAQ Page for additional information and warnings about Copper Sulfate treatment for algae control.

Help support the KLC’s efforts to keep Kinderhook Lake enjoyable for all by attending the

2nd Annual KLC Barbecue & Fund Raiser

Saturday, July 28, 4:00-7:00pm
Kinderhook Elks Lodge, 2750 Rt. 9H

Under the Pavilion – Rain or Shine
Open to the Public 

$12/meal (1/2 chicken, baked potato, corn on the cob, coleslaw and beverage)
Entertainment provided and raffles with great prizes

Invite neighbors and friends to socialize and have a good time

Proceeds used for dam repairs, water quality, weed control, fish stocking and general lake maintenance

Tickets available at the door or in advance from Board Members (click here for contact info)
For further information, contact Rick Theriault @ 518-573-5088