09. January 2022 · Comments Off on Rising Costs · Categories: General Information, Membership, Update

Hardly a day goes by without news of rising inflation. We see rising prices of food, gas, building material, cars, almost everything. And of course, it’s no different for the KLC. Our basic operational costs have been rising for years while membership dues have essentially remained the same since 2008 (except a small $15 raise to the basic membership in 2014). The cost of printing, postage, envelopes, gate lock and keys, copper sulfate, equipment maintenance, winter storage, insurance, etc. are all rising. In addition, the KLC continues to transfer $850/month from the General Fund to the Dam Reserve Fund. While last year members generously donated over $75,000 towards the cost of ProcellaCor to successfully treat Eurasian milfoil, the KLC had to spend over $12,000 from the General Fund to make up for the total treatment cost of almost $88,000. And please remember that the KLC receives no additional funding from any private or public agencies or municipalities. Accordingly, we find it necessary to increase each level of membership dues by $25: basic membership to $150, sustaining membership to $200, and benefactor membership to $225. Launch gate keys will remain at $15. We’ll now offer a single business sponsorship level at $200, which includes a basic membership.

We hope you will continue to support the KLC through membership dues and business sponsorships and strongly urge you to consider donating to our restricted funds. Restricted funds include the Dam Reserve Fund (for future improvements, maintenance, and flood control measures at the dam), the Weed Management Fund (to help control the growth of invasive and nuisance aquatic vegetation), the Water Quality Fund (to continue herbicide treatments to control algae growth), and the Fish Stocking Fund (for stocking game fish and habitat).

Thanks for your understanding and continued support.

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